HSBC’s vision is to be our customers’ trusted financial
advisor and the leading financial institution in the markets we serve.
We will achieve this vision by
listening to our customers, fully
their needs and consistently
delivering on our promises as one team.
HSBC’s Guiding Principles further support our vision and focus
on both employees and customers.
Rate 7.45%
Term Up to 20 years
Debt Capacity 40%
Loan to Value 75%
In addition to credit approval, the following will be needed:
- Proof of Income
- A deposit, savings, or demand deposit account with a minimum balance
of three monthly mortgage payments
- Required insurance
Personal loans, Auto loans and Credit Cards
(Visa & MasterCard) are also available
Your can contact Jose Molino at HSBC at :
Purchasing Propery with a Corporation
If you wish to have your new lot or home held in a New Panamanian
Corporation, we can arrange this through our office.